Many people are sometimes thinking themselves awful which I think is absolutely wrong. Taunting is one of the worse habits of people and listening to those rubbish comments on you is the worst mistake ever. When children hit their puberty, many have different body shapes and would love to make everyone notice that beauty comes in every body and being thin or thick doesn't even matter a bit. Children at this age face different changes in their body and most of them feel extremely insecure; many also get depressed because of their body types. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear . All you need to wear well is your confidence. Trust me feeling confident is the best feeling in the world. Also, being confident will create a self belief in yourself. In achieving your goals, being confident plays one of the major role in your life. Be the way you are because there is only one you! Never ever think what people say to you, do what you think and what to do unless it harms anyone.
Last but not the least , be confident , it will CHANGE your life!
And to all the teenagers- no need to feel insecure of yourself and be BOLD.
Thank you
Nishee Shah
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